Pope Blesses Racism and Civilisational Clash in Europe

The racist remarks of the Roman pontiff may be grounds for another European public consensus and a guide to action for politicians

At the end of November, Pope Francis gave a detailed interview to the US magazine America, in which he touched upon the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in detail. The head of the Catholic Church blamed the Russian state for the invasion and said that the cruellest tormentors were the military from Russia of non-Russian tradition − "Chechens, Buryats and so on."

The Roman pontiff exposed the peoples of Russia as "Untermensch non-humans", thus legalising the wildest racism and "blessing" Europe for a civilisational war of extermination. The statement of the head of the Vatican may have grave consequences for European society, the peoples of Russia and Eastern Europe, and, as a result, the Catholic Church itself.

On November 28, Pope Francis received at his Santa Marta residence in the Vatican the leadership of the America magazine, owned by the Order of Jesus, Jesuit priests and lay people. Speaking about the conflict in Ukraine, the pontiff made a racist statement unprecedented for the modern Catholic Church.

"When I speak about Ukraine, I speak of a people who are martyred. If you have a martyred people, you have someone who martyrs them. Generally, the cruellest are perhaps those who are of Russia but not of the Russian tradition, such as the Chechens, the Buryats, etc. Certainly, the one who invades is the Russian state," Francis said.

The Pope's racist statement is very serious and should in no way be regarded as an accidental emotional outburst or a slip of the tongue. First, Francis is cautious in his statements, always carefully and deliberately chooses his words, and builds his policy.

Secondly, and most importantly, the special audience which he addressed. It was the representative delegation of Jesuits to whom the Jesuit Pope spoke about the atrocities of the Chechens (Muslims), Buryats (Buddhists) and "so on" (other peoples of Russia) under the shadow of the Russian state.

The Catholic doctrine contains a statement about the infallibility of the teaching of the Pope in matters of faith and morality, proclaimed ex-cathedra ("from the pulpit"), pronounced officially, acting as a teacher and pastor of all Catholic Christians. An interview with a Jesuit Catholic newspaper appears to meet or "close" to such a criterion.

Pope Blesses Racism and Civilisational Clash in Europe

Thus, this is the official position, which has the authority of "instruction" for the Jesuit and, generally, the Catholic and Western Christendom: racism is a proper tool. From this statement, "multiplying" it, European politicians and societies can draw an utterly natural conclusion about the acceptability of any warfare methods with Russian Asian "subhumans" who torture and kill white people. To whom the norms of ethics, morality and Christian virtues are inapplicable.

The statement of the foremost Western Christian leader creates the foundation for legalising racism in Europe. Europe is pushed to such a turn not only by the rooted historical experience of the Nazi regime of 80 years ago and earlier examples but also by the objectively emerging difficult economic and demographic situation. The way out can be found in the relentless exploitation of inferior nations as enslaved people since racism is allowed by the Vatican. This applies to people from African and Asian countries who cause problems for European laymen.

The issue of forcing migrants into gratuitous labour in the wake of the social crisis may well be resolved with the approval of European politicians and society. There is no need to look far for historical precedents of this kind: labour camps functioned in many European countries in the 1930s and 1940s.

Pope Blesses Racism and Civilisational Clash in Europe

Moreover, the de facto legitimisation of racism by the pontiff cannot but affect the Catholic Church itself.

Over the past decades, the Popes have relied on the development, strengthening and growth of Catholic communities in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The reasons for this are transparent – local communities continue to grow due to a relatively high birth rate, and there is a field for proselytism in many countries.

Francis' bet on racism and Europe − the Pope's statement coincided with a tough campaign by the Kyiv regime against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which could result in the integration of the parishes of the defeated UOC under the control of Greek Catholics − can make many Asians and Africans turn away from the Vatican.

Historically, the inevitable defeat of the racism "sanctioned" by the Pope will lead to the fragmentation of the Vatican's church structure, the disintegration into many local independent churches and the loss by the Holy See of indisputable leadership in world Christianity.

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