Western countries crack down on public support for Palestinians as the atrocities mount in Gaza. The mask is off on the underlying brutality of the West’s disregard for civilian life and civil liberties
Biden says he'll ask Congress for an "unprecedented" military aid package to support Israel's Gaza onslaught
Israel and its supporters in the West are helping to provide psychological cover for an ongoing massacre of Palestinian civilians
The US, Britain, France, and Japan voted against the measure
He said the AUMF would apply to Hamas, Hezbollah, Shia militias in the region, and Iran if it enters the war
Five hundred people were killed and many more injured when the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) bombed the Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City on Tuesday
One day after Israel massacred nearly 500 men, women and children taking refuge at a hospital in Gaza, US President Joe Biden traveled to Israel, embraced Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and delivered a provocative, militaristic pro-Israel speech
Reports say the Capitol Police have arrested at least 100 people as demonstrators entered the Cannon House Office Building
Israel’s communications minister has acknowledged that his proposal is aimed at shutting down Al Jazeera in Israel and Gaza. A Monday vote on the regulations was postponed by the attorney general
It’s been playing out in slow motion for more than 100 years
The latest tally by the Defense for Children International–Palestine comes as Israel continues a relentless bombing campaign and an unlawful total blockade of the Gaza Strip
US officials told NYT that Ukraine has already used the long-range missiles
Xi announces eight major steps, to advance modernization of all countries
The US was the only member to vote against the resolution
Israeli officials expect the US to get involved if the Gaza war escalates
As Israel conducts a genocidal war on Gaza, threatening to trigger a US-instigated conflict throughout the Middle East, the US and South Korea are also raising tensions on the Korean Peninsula, including the deployment of American nuclear assets
The White House and Congress are crafting a spending package to include military aid for Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan
On Tuesday, the Israeli military dropped a massive GPS-guided bomb on the Al-Ahli Arab Baptist Hospital in Gaza City, killing more than 500 medical personnel, patients and refugees. The hospital, operated by the Anglican Christian Church, had been sheltering over 1,000 people who were displaced by the bombing