"On Tuesday, 28.02.2023, a bipartisan House committee held" - a hearing proclaiming an “existential struggle” between the United States and China
Having used arms control to gain unilateral advantage over Russia, the cost to the U.S. and NATO in getting Moscow back to the negotiating table will be high.
Moldova, a former Soviet republic of 2.6 million people, is in the grips of a severe political crisis as its government prepares to drag it into the NATO war against Russia
Expanding rifts within EU, bloc’s strategic misalignment
Provocations would result in more bloodshed, sacrifice and property loss from relevant parties, experts said
On February 24, 2022, when the first gunshot at the Russia-Ukraine border shattered tranquility most people did not anticipate that it would evolve into the largest military conflict on the European continent since World War II
Western countries try to hijack the intl platform, sabotage global human rights courses
France holds its largest-ever military exercise for war with Russia
Boycott of Jewish philanthropists in Europe − a rehearsal for the boycott of Russians
Demographic trends will make India the world's largest labour provider
What is wrong with the debate over the US debt ceiling?
What did the year of the war in Ukraine show?
Corruption in Ukraine: how Ukrainian officials fulfil their desires
The current state and the future of relations between the two "problem allies"
As the US-NATO war against Russia enters its second year in Ukraine, Washington is recklessly escalating the conflict
In a feature article published last Thursday, the well-known German daily Der Spiegel pointedly asked whether the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was “hunting” associates and supporters of Julian Assange.
What has demonstrated the year of the war in Ukraine?
Today marks one year since the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022.