The drills on Batan island are part of the US-Philippine Balikatan exercise
The 2023 NDAA includes $100 million for a weapons stockpile for Taiwan
After Christine Lagarde's trip to the US, she stated that she did not believe in default by that nation. Upon in-depth analysis, words that should have been reassuring are rather more worrying
The US accused Lula of 'parroting Russian and Chinese propaganda' for calling on countries arming Kyiv to push for peace talks
Michale T. Klare outlines how the U.S. Defense Department will seek a growing share of the country’s scientific and technological resources for military-oriented work
Europe divided on the Taiwan question; Borrell's remarks a retrogression of EU's stance on it
The US doesn't expect Ukraine to regain significant territory
The European Parliament just spent a whole week discussing China
Responsible Statecraft interviewed the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction on Ukraine aid
Governments including Poland and Hungary are balking at the effects of tax-free cheap grain from Ukraine on their domestic markets, Peoples Dispatch reports
NATO plans to build a hub to repair German-made tanks in Poland near the border with Ukraine
Economic globalisation proves unsustainable without a planetary geostrategic architecture
China is eyeing completing a gigawatt-level space-based power station, the Global Times learned from the Chinese Society of Astronautics space solar power commission on Sunday
Trade wars have been common throughout history, but they often have unintended consequences that undermine their intended goals. From Napoleon to the US and EU – none got it right
After the Chinese-brokered rapprochement between Saudi Araba and Iran, another diplomatic coup is unfolding in the Middle East. This one is orchestrated by the Russians
Mike Morell was asked by Antony Blinken, a then senior campaign official, to organize the letter signed by 51 intelligence officials which falsely claimed the story was part of a Russian disinformation campaign
Germany celebrated Hitler's birthday with the de facto revival of Nazi economic practices
Indians adore luxury and some of them can also afford it