The Observer’s Defense of Genocide

A phalanx of the U.K.’s most influential journalists has decried as a “blood libel” the reporting of Israel’s killing of thousands of children in Gaza.

I can’t put this strongly enough. Howard Jacobson’s article in The Observer newspaper may be one the vilest pieces of journalism published in Britain in living memory, arguing that any reporting of Israel’s documented slaughter of many thousands of Palestinian children in Gaza is a “blood libel” and anti-Semitic. It is pure genocide apologism.

But far worse is the fact that the Guardian Media Group signed off his column. This isn’t the work of one Zionist loon. A whole army of journalists brought it to print.

And note: Jacobson, odious as he is, isn’t responsible for the choice of photo. That is entirely down to The Observer newsroom.

I worked at both The Guardian and The Observer, its Sunday sister paper, for many years. The comment editor, the photo editor, the revise sub-editor, the Observer’s chief editor and all the section heads would have approved not only Jacobson’s text but that photo too.

What on Earth did they all imagine that “illustrative” photo of a blood-smeared doll suggested?

  • That the many thousands of children blown to pieces by Israeli bombs are a fiction.

  • That all the children decomposing under rubble are made up.

  • That all the unidentified children buried in Gaza’s sands are a lie.

  • That all the children dying of epidemics like polio or starving to death from Israel’s aid blockade are an invention.

That any single journalist imagined for a moment that this was an acceptable article or photo in the midst of a genocide is astounding enough.

But that a whole phalanx of the most influential and “liberal” journalists in the country backed it without a second thought tells us something about the depraved culture that passes for journalism in the Western establishment media.

These elite journalists are completely divorced from reality. They have no moral core, they live and work as fanatical ideologues for Western supremacism. They are as racist as their forebears who cheer-led Britain’s subjugation and colonisation of the rest of the globe.

There is no hope of ever having a healthy world as long as these war-mongers and genocide apologists are allowed to remain in charge of shaping our consciousness.

Source: Consortium News.

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