The rejection of legal rights by Europeans will prove damaging to Europe itself
The resolution will be introduced by Rep. Joe Wilson and defines a Ukrainian victory as the return of all territory, including Crimea
The colossal LVMH is disseminating luxury to the masses, which has made its head, Bernard Arnault, fabulously wealthy. But how long can this go on?
A government review of Australia's military capability called for sweeping changes, citing China's growing capabilities
The US doesn't expect Ukraine to regain significant territory
The European Parliament just spent a whole week discussing China
Kiev’s counterattack will go ahead to gain back at least some of the lost territory, writes M.K. Bhadrakumar. This is a desperate throw of the dice
US President Joe Biden announced his campaign for 2024 re-election on Tuesday, an event which could bring a repeat of the 2020 presidential race when he squared off against former president Donald Trump
Obtained from country’s first mission on Space Day
A prelude to direct NATO-Russia war
China is eyeing completing a gigawatt-level space-based power station, the Global Times learned from the Chinese Society of Astronautics space solar power commission on Sunday
Trade wars have been common throughout history, but they often have unintended consequences that undermine their intended goals. From Napoleon to the US and EU – none got it right
Guaido arrived in the US after claiming he was expelled from Colombia
Region turns to foreign-currency debt as budget deficits widen
The longer the corporate state erodes the social bonds that provide a sense of purpose and meaning the more inevitable an authoritarian state and a Christianized fascism becomes
The drills on Batan island are part of the US-Philippine Balikatan exercise
The 2023 NDAA includes $100 million for a weapons stockpile for Taiwan
After Christine Lagarde's trip to the US, she stated that she did not believe in default by that nation. Upon in-depth analysis, words that should have been reassuring are rather more worrying