On March 16, The New York Times reported that “Ukrainian forces have pulled almost entirely out of the Kursk region of Russia.” After seven months, one Ukrainian soldier told the BBC, “Everything is finished in the Kursk region.”
The high-tech oligarchs surrounding Trump are set on using artificial intelligence and new technologies for the sake of uniting us around perpetual war.
According to a report of the Japanese media outlet NHK on Monday, Japan and the EU will jointly hold a seminar next week for coast guard officials from five Southeast Asian countries, including the Philippines, on how to deal with "gray-zone situations," or situations that fall short of armed attacks.
Trump will demonstrate the extent to which countless appendages of the Zionist cause demand America sacrifice itself to protect the barbarities of “the Jewish state” from criticism.
Knowing well in advance that Russia would reject it, the U.S. and Ukraine announced with fanfare that its ceasefire deal was in “Russia’s court” in what was an exercise of pure public relations.
The economies of Western Europe are being realigned onto a war footing, led by the utterly transformed European Union, whose leaders are now channelling an atavistic hereditary hatred of Russia.
The U.S. government, in its zealous enforcement of the nation’s immigration laws, has become lawless.
Israel’s U.S.-supported massacres of Palestinians, Trump’s seizure of Mahmoud Khalil and the C.I.A. spying on Julian Assange all tie together.
As if two world wars born in Europe were not enough, an increasingly divided Europe is seeking unity through militarization and hyperbolic fear of Russia.
On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine with a small force of around 142,000 troops.
The Fall of Assad to US Supported Extremists and the Massacre of Christians and Alawites
For rulers, the most dangerous of all things is a still-armed soldier who starts to reflect.
It doesn’t really pay for a liberal to see through propaganda because you either alienate yourself from all your liberal friends who are wallowing in it, or you sit in crushing silence out of fear of being ostracized.
U.S. President Donald Trump may, or may not, have been joking when he promised to be dictator for a day or when he called himself “the king” or when he asserted that he is above the law or even when he has teased about seeking a third term.
Over the weekend President Trump ordered a massive military operation against the small country of Yemen.
The Trump administration has lambasted the foreign aid agency for absurd foreign expenditures, it has omitted what is perhaps its most scandalous operation.
The U.S. president’s cuts to education under the guise of fighting anti-Semitism are an effort to enforce totalitarianism in the minds of future generations. Questions are not to be asked, myths are to be enforced.
Only days ago, the chances that Ukraine would agree to negotiate with Putin or agree to a ceasefire seemed very remote.